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You Need Strong Advocates During Times Of Legal Turmoil

Why is time off often necessary for an injured worker?

Getting hurt on the job doesn’t just mean that you might have medical expenses. It also often means that you have to take a leave of absence from work while receiving treatment or to allow your body time to heal.

Losing out on your wages will only compound the financial stress caused by getting hurt and needing medical treatment. Why do so many doctors require that you take several weeks off of work when you get hurt on the job?

The body requires time to heal itself

Perhaps the most obvious reason that you need time away from work is that your body won’t heal if you don’t give it enough time. Even broken bones, which people often treat like minor injuries, need at least six to eight weeks of immobilization to heal, if not longer.

Soft tissue injuries may require a similar amount of time for recovery, as frequent use may only worsen the issue. Repetitive stress injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome, could continue to flare up any time you return to the same work you previously performed.

You may not be able to do your job safely

Even if you might be able to complete some of your job responsibilities, you likely cannot perform your job to the same standard you usually would. Your injury might affect your focus or put you at risk of making a mistake that could impact other people.

You simply can’t be as safe on the job when you have a severe injury. Thankfully, workers’ compensation helps you recover from an injury by compensating you for your involuntary leave of absence.

Learning more about workers’ compensation benefits can help you feel more comfortable about following your doctor’s recommendation, like taking a leave of absence from work.