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You Need Strong Advocates During Times Of Legal Turmoil

You Need Strong Advocates During Times Of Legal Turmoil

Do this immediately following an injury in the workplace

Employee safety matters a great deal and the last thing anyone wants is an unsafe workplace. However, the reality is injuries happen all the time, and without warning. When they do, it is important that you know exactly what to do.

There are several crucial steps that you need to take immediately following an injury in the workplace. These steps are universal and can play an important role in determining the outcome of your workers’ compensation claim.

Here are some of the most important steps you need to take immediately if you are hurt at work.

Seek medical attention

It is important that you seek proper medical care after an accident. Remember, your well-being is paramount. Every workplace is required to have a first-aid kit as well as a designated first aider on site. Once you have received first aid, be sure to check into a medical facility for further treatment. Even if you feel your injuries are minor, it is important that you see a doctor for a thorough examination as some injuries take time to manifest. While at the doctor’s office be sure to detail the circumstances that led to your injury so it can be captured in the medical report.

Report the accident

As soon as you are able to, be sure to report the accident to your immediate supervisor so it can be recorded in the company’s occurrence book. Again, the law requires employers to have an accident handbook where employees can record any accident that happens in the workplace. The following information should be captured in the employer’s accident report.

  • The date of the injury
  • The circumstances surrounding your injury and how it happened
  • Names of other employees involved in the accident
  • Names of witnesses
  • The nature of the injury you sustained

Be sure to request a copy of your accident report. While at it, ensure that you write your own account of the accident. This way, you will preserve vital details regarding your accident.

Accidents happen in the workplace all the time. If you are injured while at work, it is important that you know what to do immediately. This is key to ensuring that you will have the resources you need to file your workers’ compensation claim.