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Watch out for brain injuries when you injure your head at work

If you injure your head at work, you need to be aware that a brain injury is possible. People might panic when they see blood streaming down your face from a wound to the scalp, but the real danger lies within your skull — and the symptoms may not be immediately obvious.

A brain injury can be harder to detect than a superficial head injury, yet the consequences will be much more severe. Therefore, it is wise to assume a brain injury might be possible whenever someone injures their head.

What is a traumatic brain injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by trauma. Here are some of the ways that could happen:

  • A blow to the head
  • Striking the head against a hard surface
  • The brain hitting the inside of the skull
  • Penetration of the brain by a fragment of skull
  • Penetration of the brain by a foreign object

In short, any blow to the head has the possibility of causing a brain injury.

Traumatic brain injuries can have long-lasting effects

If you have ever suffered a concussion, then you have suffered a TBI, albeit a mild one, from which you recovered quickly. Some TBIs, however, are more severe and can result in three types of long-term consequences:

  1. Cognitive harm: Your brain enables you to think, reason, create and make decisions.
  2. Emotional harm: Your brain also controls your emotions. Depression, anger, frustration and mood swings are all possible after a TBI.
  3. Physical harm: Your brain controls your whole body, and injuring it could limit movement in any body part.

If you suffer a head injury at work, it is crucial to have a medical check-up. A doctor may spot a TBI that you and others were unaware of. Understanding the full extent of an injury and how it will affect your life is crucial to getting the maximum amount of workers’ compensation benefits.