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You Need Strong Advocates During Times Of Legal Turmoil

You Need Strong Advocates During Times Of Legal Turmoil

Job-related hearing loss is a serious problem

Some people are subjected to loud noises when they’re at work. It’s imperative that these workers have the protections necessary to keep their hearing intact. Without those protections, permanent hearing loss is possible.

Hearing loss may occur slowly

Some people think of hearing loss as something that happens suddenly, but this often isn’t the case. Hearing loss may occur very slowly, which makes it difficult to realize what’s happening. You might think that all is well. Then you start to notice that you have to turn the television up increasingly louder, you’re having trouble hearing what others are saying and people are asking you why you’re shouting.

Untreated hearing loss can lead to a serious problem as it gets progressively worse. Eventually, hearing other people or sounds you need to hear for work won’t be possible. Not being able to hear properly could put you or your co-workers in danger. This could mean that you’re no longer able to work at your current job, and finding a new one might be impossible.

Workers have options

Work-related hearing loss is a condition that’s covered under workers’ compensation. The specifics of each situation are different, but receiving medical care for hearing loss is important. Any worker who realizes they are facing hearing loss that’s related to their job duties should file a workers’ compensation claim.

It’s imperative that you have an experienced attorney on your side. These cases are often complex because you need to show that the hearing loss was caused by conditions on your job. You should be prepared to fight for the benefits that you’re due.