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You Need Strong Advocates During Times Of Legal Turmoil

Understanding occupational risks

Employees in Pennsylvania may benefit from reevaluating the risk for injury or death involved in their job on a daily basis. Some people find it advantageous to weigh the inherent risks of their occupation against the hourly wage or salary being earned. Reviewing some of the risks people are exposed to while undertaking everyday activities may help to shed some light on this topic as well.

According to the National Safety Council, the odds of developing cancer or heart disease is about 1 in 7. The odds of suffering a fatal fall is approximately 1 in 152, while the odds of dying from an unintentional poisoning is around 1 out of 119. Approximately one in 3,650 people is likely to die from choking on food while eating. The odds of death being caused by fire or smoke inhalation are 1 in 1,418. On the more extreme side of the spectrum, the likelihood of dying from a strike of lightening is around 1 in 136,000. These statistics may help put some of the risks people face on a daily basis into perspective.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there are approximately 3.2 fatal injuries per 100,000 full-time workers. This rate indicates that there may be approximately 4,600 fatal injuries on the workplace every year in the United States. The data collected by the BLS was reviewed to find the most dangerous jobs in the country by analyzing injury and fatality rates from the sample of occupations.

Fisherman, flight engineers and aircraft pilots, construction laborers, truck drivers and agricultural managers, ranchers and farmers were listed as the most dangerous occupations. The death rate for these occupations ranged from 17.4 to 117 fatal injuries per 100,000 workers. Only one of these paid a six-figure annual salary. Injured workers who survive often benefit from consulting legal counsel as early as possible.

Source: Wall St. Cheat Sheet, “Price of Risk: How Well Do the 5 Most Dangerous Jobs Pay?“, Erika Rawes1, June 28, 2014